5 Jobs that demand MBA graduates

MBA graduates

Completing a Master of Business Administration or MBA, for its acronym in English (Master in Business Administration), is a huge investment of amounts of time, money and effort. It is a very versatile academic program that offers its students a wide range of potential career options and, at the same time, is considered one of the most prestigious programs in the business environment.

Although the MBA primarily trains in business administration and management, it also offers other career opportunities in the field of marketing and business operations. Below, you will find five job positions that require professionals who have completed studies of this type:

1. Director of Corporate Communications

Every company needs someone to manage its external image, as well as how it is viewed by its employees. A Director of Corporate Communications is a public relations specialist and his job is to deal with the media, through thick and thin. They are responsible for creating and implementing public relations programs designed to promote the company’s brand and/or its products in such a way that customers have a favorable impression of the business.

2. Bank Investor

One of the most common paths taken by those who achieve an MBA, is related to investments and banks. It is a task that requires communication and interpersonal skills, as well as business knowledge to guarantee an optimal transmission of information to clients, who are looking for the best products to achieve their economic goals. Banking institutions and investment firms also need professionals with MBAs who are capable of providing advice and recommendations related to acquisitions, capital generation and other similar areas. It is an intellectually stimulating career that demands a high level of dedication to learning about the financial industry.

3. Health Center Administrator

The obligations associated with the function of a Health Center Administrator depend on the size of the institution where said professional works. Having an MBA will allow you to work as a specialist and/or generalist. The latter is dedicated to all aspects related to planning, management and supervision of the daily functions of the organization and its staff, while a specialist is responsible for the administration of the company.

4. Management Consultant

The effective management of a business is often related to its success or failure. Professionals with MBAs who choose this career know how to deal with any type of managerial problem. They identify potential, current or future errors and resolve them as quickly as possible. They even participate in the decision-making process to maintain the growth and profitability of the company. In some cases, they are responsible for making plans associated with corporate restructurings, as well as analyzing the market and providing recommendations for effective business management.

5. Chief Financial Officer (CFO: Chief Financial Officer)

Finally, the Finance Director is responsible for the proper management of a company’s accounting and financial operations. He is in charge of managing the past, present and future of his financial situation, and must identify the efficient areas of the business and those that need attention or change. Also, his job is to monitor the company’s capital structure and decide what are the acceptable levels of equity, debt and internal financing.

